Basel, Switzerland
October 10–11, 2018
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Wednesday, October 10 • 11:35 - 12:05
Deploying Multi-IaaS Clusters With CFCR - Konstantinos Karampogias, Swisscom & Konstantin Semenov, Pivotal

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As more and more companies start running their applications in Kubernetes clusters, the greater will be the need for Federations of Kubernetes Clusters, which will include clusters running on top of different cloud providers (e.g. Google Cloud, AWS), as well as on-premises (e.g. on VSphere, OpenStack).

K8s Clusters in multiple regions/providers will benefit both users and
operators. Users will be served in lower latency with high availability, while the operators will be able to use public cloud resources to cover for peak workloads. At the same time workloads can be migrated easier across clusters, and therefore federation prevents infrastructure provider lock-in and better cost management.

There are many good tools which can deploy and update a single Kubernetes cluster using a single cloud provider. However, there aren’t that many tools that can set up multiple clusters on different cloud providers or on-premise data centers in a consistent way. Such tool would be of great help.

In this talk the presenters explore how CFCR, by leveraging the Multi-CPI feature of Bosh, can deploy a federated kubernetes deployment containing k8s clusters spread over multiple IaaSes.

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Konstantinos Karampogias

Software Engineer, Swisscom
Konstantinos has been working at Swisscom for the past three years as Software Engineer. He is currently a remote member of the CFCR team in Dublin, and before that he was member of the Garden team in London, and of the Container Networking team in Santa Monica.
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Konstantin Semenov

Sr. Member of Technical Staff, VMware
Konstantin Semenov is a Sr. Member of Technical Staff at VMware. Since 2016, he was heavily involved in developing cloud infrastructure, leading development of CFCR, streamlining best practises in cloud operations and secure containerised software distribution. For the past two years... Read More →

Wednesday October 10, 2018 11:35 - 12:05 CEST